Lee Freeman

Deployment, RSpec, Associations and hitting the 'dojo'

Mar 19, 2017

That’s Week 2 of Codaisseur completed and I’m now 25% of the way through the course. We were only in class for 5 days this week, but the extra day was spent doing homework, so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

My last post was about 1400 words, but I think I actually did more this week than last week, so…¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  Some people would suggest editing these things after writing them, but I’m pretty sure that as a career-switcher from editorial I can refuse to ever edit anything ever again (edit: spotted a typo in this paragraph immediately after publishing, so here I am fixing it).

Pair programming, flexbox & working with GitHub!

Mar 13, 2017

So my first week of Codaisseur’s academy/bootcamp was a great success! I think the time spent on the Learn.co Bootcamp Prep has really paid off and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone thinking about a bootcamp or about to embark on one.

The week started last Sunday and ran through until Friday evening. After a lovely day in Utrecht on the Saturday followed by taking it very easy at a friend’s birthday party on the Saturday evening, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, I turned up at the TQ building for 9.30am.

After a brief induction session (don’t be a dick, treat the building/people with respect), we were straight into HTML and CSS with Tjin. Now, I’ve got a fair amount of experience with HTML and CSS, so I was a bit concerned about what I would get out of the day, but luckily there was some interesting stuff to get stuck into.

Goodbye editor, hello developer!

Feb 23, 2017

So, here I am, roughly six months after moving to Amsterdam and it’s time for a change. I always tell people that I fell into editorial work by accident, and it’s true.

A three month temp job at the OU as a production assistant straight after university turned into a full year of it. The company then hired a load of people, and I’d thrown my name in the hat for a new position as a copy editor. One proofreading test and interview later, and I had the job. Six months later, an opportunity came up and I threw my name in the hat again and, yep, you guessed it, I got the job. I didn’t finish my Music Tech degree with the intention of editing online courses, it just kind of happened.

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